Monday, September 28, 2009

Portrait of a Fortnight: The Art of Living in Milan

No, that’s not the latest creation by our Jimmy Choo, incorporating art mosaic into his shoe design. It is a bathtub on display in a SICIS showroom located along Via Fatebenefratelli. Benvenuta/o to the art of living in Milan. But it is not all hunky dory here in this city where design is a way of life. Cheap tacky impersonation of our lovely heritage is on display too. Like this one.
More text later. Meanwhile, let the pictures tell a thousand words.


Kak Teh said...

aaah, methinks the next entry shd be the art of shopping in Milan. Never been there but almost made it last summer. we just settled for some Italian villages which have some unique attractions compared to big cities.

Wan Nordin Wan Hussin said...

On the contrary, Kak Teh, on the contrary. The agonising headache and pain of shopping in Milan is more like it.

Is that village with unique attractions near Lake Como? Cause, err, George Clooney has a house there. And it is also a salubrious place to relive Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms

Kak Teh said...

GUiKP, it s actually a quaint little town at the border called Cormayeur - surrounded by Mont Blanc - its like a valley - cantik sangat. Then we drove to some villages and really enjoyed being away from big cities.

Recently in France we were in this champagne village where the story of The Hunchback of Notre Dame was conceived - well , that was what we were told.

Pak Zawi said...

Don't wait too long to put in the text. Heard Italy is the Mecca for arts. Tell us something about it.

Wan Nordin Wan Hussin said...

Pak Zawi,
Frankly, we did not go inside any galleries while in Milan or Venice. I was told one needs to book 3 months in advance to see Michaelangelo's The Last Supper. So you are right - Italy is a magnet for the arty types.

Thank God, nobody prevented us from taking the photos of Napoleon in the buff, as you can see in this post. We were told by two Golden Girls from New York and Pennsylvania who have sunny dispositions and whom we met on the Venice-Milan Eurostar that they were not allowed to be photographed with David in Florence. That's all I can say on arts-related subject, being untutored, ignorant and all.

Kak Teh,
Going back to your guess, the next entry is likely to be The Comfort of Strangers on the Milan-Venice Eurostar.

Wan Nordin Wan Hussin said...

Pak Zawi,
Last Supper was conceived by Leonardo, not Michaelangelo. Sorry for the mix up. Now you know why I eschew art-related topic, especially Renaissance Art.

Pak Zawi said...

I couldn't tell them myself. Didn't I tell you that I am just a self taught artist?

Wan Nordin Wan Hussin said...

Nanti dah mahir dengan teknik chiaroscuro, turun (perturunkan? yak) lah ilmu pada kami.